Virtual CI Teams

How do we define Virtual CI Teams vs. extended CI teams? What are the differences between a virtual team and any other type of team?
When you’re building a competitive intelligence Virtual (CI) operations team structure, you’re talking about more than just the director of market intelligence or another department and the reports they generate. An operational team for intelligence is much larger, and includes more layers.
Normally intended to keep a company tied into corp processes and policies . Mostly directly connected to the IT system or team, but also working with the legal or marketing departments. Often not comprised of managers or major decision makers, but instead contains people who influence decisions.
The Purpose of a CI Team
A virtual team has its own purpose. This team is working to aid you in the analysis process and the general intelligence operations process . This is where your relationships with product management, marketing, engineering, technical marketing, and sales teams comes into play. CI teams are the organizations that are going to help with the creation and interpretation of analysis. Typical expectations of the virtual team include providing aid as needed for new competitive analysis, program support, and communications. This is in the middle between the field champions and the extended teams. In terms of levels, when you have virtual teams, where are you? When you start organizing virtual and extended teams, you are starting to advance past Level 2 and into Level 3 or even Level 4. At the same time, you’re probably looking at tactical intelligence and technical analysis, as well as implementing other systems.
How do you build a virtual team?
You have to focus on a purpose, idea, or mission. This can be a main competitor or market. They can be normal players, like product managers, who are looking to use data in their day-to-day jobs. This is not a permanent position; rather, it is a supplementary position that can complement an existing position. The focal points of this team are projects and business results.
What are the keys to success? The basics: team building, great project management, structure and preparation, plans, and methods or processes for executing plans. Establishing and utilizing a great virtual team can help support each of these factors, and virtually help your company succeed.